
I trained a model from scratch : 

I generated .box .tiff files 

I generated lstmf files with .box and .tiff files
for file in *.tiff; do
  echo $file
  base=`basename $file .tiff`
  tesseract --psm 7 --oem 1 $file $base ./tessdata/configs/lstm.train 

I generated unicharset with unicharset_extractor
unicharset_extractor *.tiff

I generated .traineddata with combine_lang_model
combine_lang_model \
  --input_unicharset unicharset \
  --script_dir ./tesseract/langdata_lstm-master \
  --output_dir output \
  --pass_through_recoder \
  --lang_is_rtl \
  --lang XXX

Then i trained a new model with lstmtraining
lstmtraining \
  --traineddata XXX.traineddata \
  --debug_interval -1 \
  --net_spec '[1,40,0,1 Ct5,5,64 Mp3,3 Lfys128 Lbx256 Lbx256 O1c36]' \
  --model_output ../output/ \
  --train_listfile list.train \
  --eval_listfile list.eval

At the end of the training at iteration 3599 : Finished! Error rate = 0

I generated the model with the last checkpoint 

lstmtraining --stop_training \
  --continue_from model0.086_544.checkpoint \
  --traineddata XXX.traineddata \
  --model_output model/XXX.traineddata

I put XXX.traineddata to tessdata and with tesseract command -l XXX i have 
bad results. 

For example with plateN836.lstmf lstmeval give me : 


With with tesseract command -l XXX on plateN836.tiff i have HPYPPY9P44T.

What's wrong ? I don't understand why i have different result with lstmeval 
and tesseract command.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards

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