I am trying to read a character with pyTesseract but the orientation is not 
right so I put the image a loop every step the image is rotating 5 angles 
and Tesseract gives an estimated character. The problem is which character 
is the true one. How can I learn this? Can I use Tesseract confidence rate?

img_before = cv2.imread('test.jpg')
cv2.imshow("Before", img_before)    
key = cv2.waitKey(0)

angles = []
median_angle = np.median(angles)for i in range(0,360,5):
    img_rotated = ndimage.rotate(img_before, i)
    cv2.imshow('rato' , img_rotated)
    msg = p.image_to_string(img_rotated,config='--psm 10')
    if(len(msg) <= 1):


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