I am trying to compile tesseract for android platform (armv7 and arm64 
architectures). As mentioned in the tesseract_android 
<https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Compiling.html#android>, i tried 
to get "libtesseract.so" file by running the code :

ndk-build -C tess-two-git/tess-two tesseract APP_ABI=arm64-v8a

But, I am unable to run this code. I always get "ndk-build command not 
found" error. I tried on windows 10 PC with cgywin and also on a virtual 
box with Ubuntu 18.

How do we run this command to get the compiled file (libtesseract.so). What 
am I missing here? Do we need any special tools for executing these 
commands? Or are there any prerequisites for running this command (like any 
installations, git repository clones etc)?

I don't have any experience with compiling tesseract for any platforms. So, 
any suggestions are most welcome.

Attachment containing how I am running the command


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