      Currently I use the "https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesstrain " 
project for training my own dataset.
I use this command,
make unicharset lists training MODEL_NAME=foo TESSDATA=./tessdata_best 
I encounter one error that tell me loss of the "radical-stroke.txt" file,so 
I put the /langdata_lstm/radical-stroke.txt into the data folder and try 
run the command again.I seems okay at this moment. 
But I still have some questions:
1.What does "radical-stroke.txt" used for?I can see it contains five 
digital each lines like this
19886 3 23 6 3
19737 13 10 20 6
19736 17 7 0 6
19735 7 3 16 6
19734 6 4 16 6
19733 6 16 9 6
19732 20 16 16 6
19731 6 12 7 6
19618 4 20 3 6
19575 7 0 16 19
19617 16 6 20 6
19616 16 6 3 9
19615 16 6 16 1
19619 7 0 16 19
18870 20 16 21 7
18871 20 22 22 5
18843 20 16 21 7
18847 20 22 22 5
18822 16 7 7 2
18821 16 20 3 10
18819 16 0 5 9
18818 16 24 13 13
18813 16 13 19 24
18810 16 0 7 19
18759 16 24 13 13
What is the digital meaning?

2. Is my command right?

Thanks in advance.

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