I was trying to build and upload tesseract online. I've somehow found the 
tesseract but I'm getting this error:

"pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractError: (127, 
'/home/dpsocr/mysite/tesseract-ara/bin/tesseract: error while loading 
shared libraries: libtesseract.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No 
such file or directory')"

It seems like tesseract is unable to find libtesseract library.
But the libraries are in the 'lib' directory as follows:

*So the Question is that, I have built the tesseract using docker now I 
wanted to know that if there is any way to build tesseract and it's 
libraries, and then compress them together to upload them to the online 
hosting so that tesseract will know its required libraries are along with 

Thanks for any advice.

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