I'm working on tesseract recognition and try to read language from Folder
locally in cordova project , when I put the language path on server it
works , but when the path is locally in www Folder give me error , can
anyone help me what's the correct way to set language path in Cordova
project ?

I use tesseract "version":"2.1.4"

the Error : [tesseract.min.js:1 Uncaught Error: TypeError: Failed to fetch
at tesseract.min.js:1 at Worker.e.onmessage (tesseract.min.js:1)][1] [1]:

  const worker = Tesseract.createWorker({
    workerPath: 'js/worker.min.js',
    corePath: 'js/tesseract-core.wasm.js',
    langPath: 'lang-data/',
    logger: m => console.log(m)
    async function work() {
    await worker.load();
    await worker.loadLanguage('tha');
    await worker.initialize('tha');
    result = await
    await worker.terminate();

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