Hey Testers,

Thursday 2018-07-12 will be Fedora Media Writer Test Day[0]!

This Test Day will focus on Fedora Media Writer. Fedora Media Writer is used 
for creating bootable flash drives on different operating systems and 
The tool is intended to be provided as the primary download option since Fedora 
25, with the aim of lowering the barrier for potential users to try and install 
In this test day, we aim to test both Fedora 28 and Fedora 29 Pre-Release 
boot-media creation on Windows, OS X, and Fedora, 
specifically targeting the creation of ARM-bootable media to see whether it's 
working well enough and catch any remaining issues.

It's also pretty easy to join in: all you'll need is 4GB flash drive (With all 
it's *data backed up*).
As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC.

[0]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2018-07-12_Fedora_Media_Writer

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