On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, David Wheeler wrote:

> On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 06:33  PM, Randy Kobes wrote:

> > What about just skipping the tests if root is running the
> > tests, and printing out an explanatory message why the tests
> > are skipped?
> I don't think you can necessarily do this, because not all test
> need to have access to t/. My test suite for
> MasonX::ApacheHandler::WithCallbacks, for example, doesn't need
> to have the Apache user access those files. They're loaded up
> by the user that starts apache (root), and then the process
> forks off to nobody-owned children that never access the files.
> So my tests work fine even under root.

That's a good point ... As you say below, it'd be better for
the test writer to decide on an individual basis which tests
should be skipped if run as root.

> And since many, _many_ users simply install modules via CPAN.pm
> as root, you'd be eliminating a huge group of people who can
> run tests.

That's true, although that practice is discouraged ... I think
this issue has come up in the context of other CPAN modules,
where some do skip tests if run as root, for similar reasons -
some tests aren't designed for being run as root, and in
principle may give false positive (or negative) results if run as

> I think a better idea is to introduce a test function like
> "have_lwp", maybe called "has_access_to_t", that can be used by
> the module developer to skip the relevant tests, if necessary.

best regards,

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