On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 02:43:20PM -0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
> I think that whatever logic we adopt for inheriting User and Group 
> directives, someone will get bitten by it not doing the right thing, as 
> they may not have their global httpd.conf set right.

I agree.

> Suggestion #1:
> set APACHE_GROUP and APACHE_USER environment variables in your shell 
> startup script, so it'll affect any Apache-Test runs

I like this idea.

> Suggestion #2:
> Don't build/test as root. This is a bad practice. Build/test as a normal 
> user and only 'su'/'sudo' when running 'make install'.

Yeah I agree with the sentiment and usu. do this when installing
software manually, but how does one install via CPAN shell? It seems
that interface was made to be run as root. Am I missing something that
would allow me to set it up to build/test as normal user and install as

The other idea I've had is to gather this information via the processes
already in place as well as perhaps Suggestion #1 and then present this
information to the user in an interactive format such as done by
HTTP::ApacheCookie. This allows users to specify alternate values if the
system guesses incorrectly.

I'd be willing to implement these changes if someone on the list can
point me to the module and subroutine where I should be making them.
Would the best place for these questions be in the TEST script? That
would get tedious though when doing testing during development.


Knowmad Services Inc.

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