On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Randy Kobes wrote:
[ .. ]
> > Sorry about that - I'll revert that change (I just tried,
> > but got an error message about insufficient space left on a
> > device). Actually, looking for both 'apache' and 'Apache'
> > leads back to the same problem on Win32 that, when the list
> > of Apache binaries is reported, both 'apache' and 'Apache'
> > are listed (with the same paths), so a different approach is
> > needed.
> So check that the path and lowercased filename match and
> exclude those on win32?

Yes, that would work, but it looks a bit funny - for
example, my Apache is D:\Apache2\bin\Apache.exe, which would
get reported as d:\apache2\bin\apache.exe. If there isn't
an easy way to preserve the case yet still remove such
duplicates, I'll do that - it's not a big deal.

best regards,

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