On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Randy Kobes wrote:
> >
> > I haven't worked through this yet, but I find a similar
> > problem ... I have two Perls, both of which have mp2
> > installed, but one has the CPAN Apache-Test and the other
> > has the cvs Apache-Test installed. In building the
> > cvs Apache-Test, I get the first-time dialogue with
> > the perl with the CPAN Apache-Test installed, but don't
> > get the dialogue with the perl with the cvs Apache-Test
> > installed. I'm a bit baffled as to why, as this occurs
> > even if I delete the system TestConfigData.pm.
> But CPAN A-T doesn't have this feature, so you must have
> installed mp2-cvs on top of it. Also check that you don't
> have ~/.apache-test/.

I don't have an ~/.apache-test/, and yes, using the perl
with the CPAN A-T installed to build the cvs A-T is fine.
Where I run into problems in not seeing the configuration
dialogue is using the perl with the cvs A-T installed in
building the cvs A-T, even if I delete the installed

best regards,

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