I'd like to suggest to rename the APACHE and APXS env vars to APACHE_HTTPD and APACHE_APXS, respectively, so we end up with the following mapping to the command line options:

                   httpd => 'APACHE_HTTPD',
                   user  => 'APACHE_USER',
                   group => 'APACHE_GROUP',
                   apxs  => 'APACHE_APXS',
                   port  => 'APACHE_PORT',

to make things more intuitive and consistent. Moreover the prefix ideally should be: APACHE_TEST_ and not APACHE_, since we already have a bunch of env vars which start with APACHE_TEST_ (), such as:

and more...

So may be it's better to move to:

                   httpd => 'APACHE_TEST_HTTPD',
                   user  => 'APACHE_TEST_USER',
                   group => 'APACHE_TEST_GROUP',
                   apxs  => 'APACHE_TEST_APXS',
                   port  => 'APACHE_TEST_PORT',

Hoping that most people don't rely on the APACHE and APXS env vars yet, we can just drop them, or we could have a back-compat support for APACHE and APXS for some time. Though I'm in favor to just drop them, making everybody move to the better API.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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