William McKee wrote:
On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 01:22:20PM -0800, Stas Bekman wrote:

have you loaded Apache::Response?

No, I wasn't aware that I needed to specify this module.

Probably because your startup/config setups are different. You loaded 'Apache::Response' in your normal setup, but not in your A-t setup.

Actually, there is no 'PerlModule Apache::Response' directive in my
normal setup and I'm not loading an external startup.pl file.

Yes, but it could have been loaded indirectly by some module, e.g. CGI.pm or Apache::compat, that you have loaded from httpd.conf.

You should load this and any other required modules from the code that
uses it, not at the server startup. (you load at the server startup to
speed things up, not as a substitute to the loading from the handler's

OK, I tried adding the PerlModule Apache::Response line to my
extra.conf.in file and doing my tests. They ran fine minus a few
OS-specific errors.

Of course this result begs the question, why do these tests work for
testing and production without use'ing 'Apache::Response' in Linux/mp1
(I checked both httpd.conf and startup.pl; neither refer to A::Response)
as well as in production in Win32/mp2 (i.e., running apache as usual;
even works in single server mode) but fail when tested via A::T?

see above.

BTW, I tried to find documentation for Apache::Response on CPAN but
there's no reference to it. Didn't find anything in the Eagle book or in
_mod_perl Developer's Cookbook_. The description at perl.apache.org is
"To be completed".

It was added in mod_perl 2, you won't find it in mentioned in these books. But please read:

http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/index.html is being slowly improved, but it will take a long time till it will get completed unless more people will contribute, since we have just a few hands.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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