Stas Bekman wrote:
Christopher H. Laco wrote:

Here's my first crack at pod for module2path and module2url.
I decided to put it at the end of the FUNCTONS head1. It didn't seem to make much sense at the beginning and it felt like I should keep focus on the exported functions.

There is already one head1 FUNCTIONS there.

I've called your header:

  =head2 URL Manipulation Functions

since all function in this module are 'helper functions' :)

Let me know if you had something else in mind and I'll rework it.

Looks good. I've massaged it a bit and commited.

Thanks Chris.

Shouldn't that be:

---      (revision 111269)
+++      (working copy)
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@
 =head3 C<module2url>

   $url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module);
-  $url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module, %options);
+  $url = Apache::TestRequest::module2url($module, \%options);

 Convert a module name to a full URL including the current
 configurations C<hostname:port> and sets C<module> accordingly.

Maybe it's just me. The former leads me to believe that I might be able to do:
scheme => 'https', path => '/merge3/');
instead of
{scheme => 'https', path => '/merge3/'});
while the later make that more clear.

Any other grunt work can work on?

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