On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 5:31 AM, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-04-24 at 20:12 -0700, John Reiser wrote:
>> EFI booting that DVD to update an existing Fedora 17 Beta x86_64 with
>> EFI boot, and requesting "Do not change bootloader config", has left
>> my system unbootable.
> That option is somewhat poorly named. What it really means is 'Don't let
> anaconda change the bootloader config'. It doesn't prevent the kernel
> post script from changing it, when the kernel package is updated; it'd
> be very difficult to prevent that. So it's not actually particularly
> unusual for the grub config file to be changed after such an upgrade. We
> probably should rename the option somehow...
>> First, it did change /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.conf, even though I asked
>> for no change.  Second, the update left only one stanza in grub.conf,
>> completely erasing what was there before.  This was an Update, so the
>> old stanzas should have remained present.
> That certainly sounds wrong.
>> Third, the bootloader was
>> changed to one that cannot find anything, and always drops to
>> "grub rescue >".  Fourth, there is no "help" command in grub rescue.
> Also wrong, but you're not providing much useful data. What exactly is
> the grub config changed to? What shows in the anaconda logs from the
> upgrade, particularly program.log

Since there's a "grub rescue" prompt, has grub2 replaced grub-efi
(which, IIUC, is an EFI version of grub1)?
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