On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Russel Winder <rus...@winder.org.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-03-01 at 10:45 +0100, Dan Horák wrote:
> […]
>> you can set a private Fedora mirror using squid, my old write up is
>> at
>> http://sharkcz.livejournal.com/2534.html (my server still works :-))
>> and I'm sure there were other guides too.
> People have mentioned "Just use Squid" in the past relating to this
> sort of problem. When I found Approx on Debian I just set up to use
> that, and stopped investigating Squid. When Fedora Rawhide used DRPMs I
> didn't worry. Now an update is 350Mb or 1Gb, I have to worry.
> Part of my problem is I run an Apache2 instance on my server port 80,
> so I'd have to find a workaround. Hence my thought of something approx
> like which is really just a specialist stripped down Squid really, but
> on a configurable port. The downside is changed APT sources.list, and
> hence Yum  *.repo files. For me, on Debian, this penalty is worth it.
> How does the Squid solution work for laptops which may be inside the
> organisation boundary or outside it, I am guessing this means different
> baseurls in all the *.repo files for the two cases.

You can use a transparent if your gateway/firewall supports it or you
can set the proxy options in dnf.conf (man dnf.conf for details) and
then you don't need to adjust repo files.
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