On Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:24:09 -0400, Adam Jackson wrote:

> >                                                Stack trace of thread 1456:
> >                                                #0  0x00007ff745e9a7bb raise 
> > (libc.so.6)
> >                                                #1  0x00007ff745e9c5d1 abort 
> > (libc.so.6)
> >                                                #2  0x00007ff745ee09c9 
> > __libc_message (libc.so.6)
> >                                                #3  0x00007ff745eeb7e9 
> > _int_free (libc.so.6)
> >                                                #4  0x00007ff745ef10ee 
> > __libc_free (libc.so.6)
> >                                                #5  0x00007ff74f217ba0 n/a 
> > (libgjs.so.0)
> >                                                #6  0x00007ff744929563 
> > _ZL14FinalizeArenasPN2js6FreeOpEPPNS_2gc11ArenaHeaderERNS2_15SortedArenaListENS2_9AllocKindERNS_11SliceBudgetENS2_10ArenaLists14KeepArenasEn
> >   
> I've hit a few like this myself. If you're not running gjs-1.48.5-1
> (freshly built yesterday) give that a shot.

As a followup to this, it seems an update has fixed this.
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