On Sat, 2019-11-30 at 20:06 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Kind of.
> I just put together the notebook I will be using when F32 ships.  It is 
> a Lenovo X140e, 8GB memory, and a 500GB SSD.
> It was an EDU series and I *THINK* I have the bios set right. Defaulting 
> to first UEFI boot now rather than Legacy first.
> I do have limited time, but I am willing to download a network installer 
> ISO and put the current build with Xfce for the gui.
> Plus testing mounting my Samsung Galaxy S4 which won't mount with F30 
> (though worked fine with F28).
> Plus the constant crashing of Thunar whenever I mount an SD card.  I do 
> wonder if I installed with the wrong UEFI setting..
> Anyway, I do have limited time, but I can carve out some, now that the 
> system is sitting here on my desk.
> Let me know and the URL for a current build.

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Thanks for volunteering!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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