On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 11:38:27PM +0000, Rick Marshall wrote:
> At times we can be managing several hundred desktops. They get
> installed over time and with a script that makes sure they
> auto-update packages and reboot if there is a kernel update. For
> systems that can't be allowed to reboot we get an email advising us.
> All of that is good.

Okay, this is a tangent, but: have you considered using `dnf offline-update`
on the systems where a reboot is okay? That minimizes the chances of
problems from updates happening underneath something that expected them to
not change. And back off the tangent: if you did that, the version upgrade
is usually just a matter of using `dnf system-upgrade` instead, once or
twice a year.

> I guess what I was really thinking about was a version free
> repository. Similar to the no_arch repository.
> This would be for application developers etc who don't need to rely
> on distribution version. It could even apply to kernels.

I guess I don't get how this would help. It isn't the _number_ that causes
incompatibility, but rather accumulated underlying changes. A
rolling/perpetual version still has those changes, but unpredictably.

> As a package developer my biggest issue has always been keeping
> enough versions of Fedora and RH on machines to create versions of
> the product. A single release will always need 3-6 OS packages. I'm
> not sure this is either productive or efficient.

I can't do anything about different versions of RHEL, although there are
possible solutions here which generalize. Rather than targetting multiple
releases, build against RHEL UBI* and distribute your application as a
container image (or Flatpak, if it's a desktop application).

Or, if that doesn't work for you, you could just say that you only support
the latest Fedora release? I think it's _nicer_ to provide users with
options, but that's always a possibility.

I'd love to say "we can offer a stable API that doesn't change for years",
but... well, that's expensive to do, which is why there is RHEL. :)

> PS really appreciate the work you guys do.

On behalf of everyone, thanks!

* https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/introducing-red-hat-universal-base-image

Matthew Miller
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