On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 05:47:33PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > So, um, maybe this is another place we could talk with GNOME upstream.
> > Could we have those upstream tests run on Rawhide?
> > 
> > Also: where does GNOME _expect_ the human-based QA to happen? Especially
> > for the applications, it's going to be hard to automate thoroughly.
> > Maybe we can figure out something better there too.
> So the answer to both those questions is, AIUI, kinda the same: GNOME
> wants the testing run on GNOME OS.
> https://os.gnome.org/
> which is (supposed to be, I don't know how closely it meets the goal
> ATM) a nightly live GNOME image with the latest versions of everything
> in it.
> Testing that is much more useful to upstream than testing Rawhide,
> because we certainly aren't updating all the bits of GNOME in Rawhide
> nightly. But if it's not built on Fedora (I don't think it is), it may
> well have differences in theme and font configuration that might make
> Fedora's openQA needles not match, which is the problem I'm concerned
> about with sharing the tests.

Could we (GNOME and Fedora in collaboration) set up something where they
_are_ updating everything on top of Rawhide nightly? If not instead of GNOME
OS, at least alongside it?

That seems like it would:

1) Give a better practical test environment for GNOME folks

2) Make the needles match

3) Maybe make it so developers can fix their own needle-breaking problems?

4) Help everything get tested earlier

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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