From my perspective, anything that blocks the release is on the
critical path. So any time there's a violation of the release criteria
and the package is not on the critical path definition, that's a bug
in the definition.

I recognize that this is a somewhat naïve view. For one, it may
broaden the definition beyond the current capacity of our test
infrastructure. It also may broaden the definition beyond what
maintainers are willing to put up with. These are both legitimate
problems. But the closer we can get to this ideal state, the better.

For anyone who is curious, I just searched for all accepted blockers
in the "Fedora" product in Bugzilla. 327 components have been a
blocker at least once. Some of those may no longer be blocking and
others will be added over time as our criteria change. The full list
with counts is at if
you're interested.

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
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