I have dowload the latexst version of the package "listings". I run tex on =
to generate the .sty needed, and i have then copy theses packages in the
corresponding directory.
In comparaison to the previous version (and given with my teTeX 1.0
distribution), a new .stye apperas (misc.sty). This file is copied in the
corresponding direcoty, but when I use the package, latex says that he
doesn't find the file "misc.sty"
Must I do something than only remplace the old packages by the new one?
-- =

Ir. Pascal Francq
Universit=E9 Libre de Bruxelles
Faculty of Applied Mechanics
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
CP 165/41
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-650 47 65
Fax +32-2-650 27 10

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