At Tue, May 30, 2000 at 09:09:12AM +0200, Thomas Esser spoke:

> > > Both epsf.sty and colordvi.sty are included in every *standard* TeX
> > > distribution, so something went wrong with your upgrade.
> Well, the files epsf.sty and colordvi.sty are not provided, but that
> should not be a problem, since the aliases files (in the main texmf tree)
> maps epsf.sty to epsf.tex and colordvi.sty to colordvi.tex.

Indeed this is the case.
I had a close look at the user's environment and it appears that that's where
his problem was. A plain environment with no extra vars gave the expected

> Have a *close* look at the following:
> $ kpsewhich colordvi.sty
> /usr/local/Text/teTeX-1.0/share/texmf/tex/plain/dvips/colordvi.tex
> $ kpsewhich epsf.sty
> /usr/local/Text/teTeX-1.0/share/texmf/tex/plain/dvips/epsf.tex
> $ egrep '^(colordvi|epsf)' /usr/local/Text/teTeX-1.0/share/texmf/aliases 
> colordvi.tex colordvi.sty
> epsf.tex epsf.sty
> So, unless something is misconfigured, colordvi.sty and epsf.sty should be found
> by tex / latex.
> Thomas

--- End of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Thomas Esser's" Quoted Text ---

Thanks for providing this info. Something new learned again :-)


Fred Donck                                      Phone: +31 (0)70 3112374

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