On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Thomas Martin wrote:

> Hello,
> until now I have been working under DOS using the emTeX distribution which
> includes a comfortable previewer (DVISCR).
> Now I started using Linux and XDVI but I am wondering if there
> is a previewer having a ruler, text search and zoom capabilities, colour
> options etc. like DVISCR. 
> Any recommendations?
> Thanks!
> Thomas Martin

EmTeX's dviscr did offer a number of useful features not found in xdvi,
but (when I still had access to OS/2) I found I was using it less and less
over time in favor of Acrobat Reader or GhostScript so I could use
EPS (or PDF) figures.  Xdvi _does_ support EPS by rasterizing the figures
with GhostScript automatically, where with dviscr I generally made
images for each EPS file and used a flag in the document to select
between screen and printer versions.

With teTeX, I use xdvi only rarely, preferring to generate PS or PDF
output and use xpdf, GhostScript (with the xv frontend), or Adobe's
Acrobat Reader for preview.  Acrobat Reader has text search and also
a useful listing of the fonts in a document (I think a fontinfo device
is on the 'todo' list for GhostScript).  I have not used IBM's 
Techexplorer under Linux, but it is certainly handy to have as well
if your documents are supported.

My personal preference for most work is pdftex with Adobe Acrobat Reader. 

George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Halifax, Nova Scotia

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