
 I append below a compilation of 2 older messages that explain
 how to get round the ligature problem.
 I think it will answer all your questions.
 The virtual font solution was sent by Timothy van Zandt.
 Be careful with commenting out the G option, because the
 bottom half of large delimiters will not be printed if you
 sent the file to somebody who uses Acrobat for Windows.



1) If our file has only text, we can use a Postscript font with
   the flags -Ppdf -G0

2) If our file has both text and math with large delimiters, then
   we can use Computer Modern with -Ppdf -G

3) We CANNOT use a Postscript font for the text and Computer
   Modern (or Euler) for the math, because if we try to get rid
   of the large delimiter problem with -G, we lose the fi, fl
   ligatures in the text font.

The misprinting of large delimiters is a bug in the PCL printer
driver for Windows Acro Reader 4.0. Acro Reader 3.x has its own set of
bugs having to do with control characters positions and that benefit
from the same approach.

The new Acro Reader 4.05 fixes this problem and I have not yet
heard of control-character bugs for this reader. However, most people
do not have this version installed.

To get around problem 3) above, and be able to use -Ppdf -G
Another option is to switch back to an old-fashioned encoding for
the Adobe PostScript fonts. But remember that purpose of the reencoded
PostScript fonts was to get access to various glyphs that are useful
for foreign alphabets.

Here, for example, is the unix script I use with teTeX 1.06 to create
Helvetica virtual fonts with the old fashioned encoding:

afm2tfm phvr8a.afm -u -t dvips.enc -v phvr8a.vpl tfm/rphvr8a >
afm2tfm phvro8a.afm -u -t dvips.enc -v phvro8a.vpl tfm/rphvro8a >>
afm2tfm phvb8a.afm -u -t dvips.enc -v phvb8a.vpl tfm/rphvb8a >>
afm2tfm phvbo8a.afm -u -t dvips.enc -v phvbo8a.vpl tfm/rphvbo8a >>
vptovf phvr8a.vpl vf/phvr8a.vf tfm/phvr8a.tfm
vptovf phvro8a.vpl vf/phvro8a.vf tfm/phvro8a.tfm
vptovf phvb8a.vpl vf/phvb8a.vf tfm/phvb8a.tfm
vptovf phvbo8a.vpl vf/phvbo8a.vf tfm/phvbo8a.tfm

The files and the .vf and .tfm files have to be put in the right 
places, then needs to be included in the dvips config files (p+ tvz8.amp),
and then you need to create .sty file that sets up the font for TeX. For 
this one is for the Helvetica fonts, scaled to match the x-height of the cmr 


\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * phv/m/it}{}%
%\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{b}{sc}{<->sub * phv/m/sc}{}%
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * phv/b/it}{}%
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * phv/b/n}{}%
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * phv/b/it}{}%
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{bx}{sc}{<->sub * phv/m/sc}{}%
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * phv/b/it}{}%

   {<-> ssub * cmsy/m/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/m/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/m/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/m/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/b/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/b/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/b/n}{}
   {<-> ssub * cmsy/b/n}{}

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