>>>>> "Edward" == Edward J Czilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > Good day: When I installed Linux 6.1, I included tetex as part
    > of the installation.  There are several packages that I would
    > like to download from CTAN and install on my PC.

    > Problem: Where do I put the *.sty & *.cls files?  I know that
    > tetex was installed in /usr/share/texmf.  But I assume that I
    > should put *.sty & *.cls that I download from CTAN files
    > somewhere other than /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex.  Perhaps in
    > $HOME$/localtexmf/tex/latex?  If so, how do I inform tetex to
    > 'look in that alternate location for the additional *.sty & cls
    > files?

Just type:


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