Thanks for the responses;  I'm not quite sure it's appropriate
to ask here, as this may indeed be a pdf{la}tex problem.

I've included a really simple file:  .tex, corresponding generated
.pdf and the log file.

Again, I apologize if this is not the appropriate group;  I'm sending it
to the pdftex list also.


C. Michael McCallum         |  "That may be one tough nut to crack,
Associate Professor         |        but I am one determined 
Chemistry, UOP              |             little squirrel"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | (209) 946-2393 | fax (209) 946-2607



his is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14g-pretest-20000912 (Web2C
LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level 1
Babel <v3.6Z> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n
ohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 1999/09/10 v1.4a Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/url.sty) (./hw-7.aux)

LaTeX Warning: No \author given.

[1{/usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/}] (./hw-7.aux) )</usr/share/texmf/f
Output written on hw-7.pdf (1 page, 20576 bytes).
Transcript written on hw-7.log.
merckx [161] <4>xpdf hw-7.pdf
T1_LoadFont(): Loading font with ID = 3 failed! (mode = -2)
T1_LoadFont(): Loading font with ID = 4 failed! (mode = -2)

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