Howdy Thomas and Group,

I am about to start on an update/upgrade of teTeX on a UNIX file server and 
would like to get thoughts on a TDS question that I have been mulling for a 
long time.

Assume that one has a teTeX installation. Over time some of the packages 
(amstex, aastex, etc) are updated by their maintainers such that I need to 
replace the existing versions that came with teTeX. What is the tradition or 
general practice:
- replace in the existing main texmf tree?
- remove from the existing main texmf tree and replace in the local branch, in 
our case
as opposed to

The same question applies to general use packages that are standard and 
available on CTAN, but not necessarily part of the teTeX distribution. In which 
branch should they go?

I can see various arguments for both options. What I am trying to achieve here 
is to minimize the amount of re-installation of packages when I do an upgrade 
to teTeX without damaging the default customs related to the TDS.


Thank you,
Alan Dunwell

!Reply to:                                               
! Alan A. Dunwell, JILA Software Manager,               
! JILA - CB440, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder,Co. 80309   
! E-Mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            
! Voice  - (303) 492-5308   FAX - (303) 492-5235         

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