>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Gamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 02:03:35PM +0200, Enis Tuncer wrote:
    >> I am writing my thesis and using amsbook.cls. I can not get the
    >> subsections and subsubsections in contents page. Only chapter
    >> and sections are visible. In the *.toc file all the list
    >> (chapters, sections
    >> subsections and subsubsections) exist, however, not visible in
    >> the dvi file. Why? Any comment is welcome to solve my problem.

    > [...]
    > So what you want is to start your master .tex file something
    > like:

    > \documentclass[12pt]{amsbook} 
    > \makeatletter
    > \c@tocdepth=3
    > \makeatother

Hi Greg,
I wonder that noone from the LaTeX team complained yet.

No "normal" user should need \makeatletter and \makeatother at all.
The LaTeX command is


If there should be any need to use \makeatletter in a LaTeX main file
then you should probably report it to the LaTeX3 mailing list.  At
least in LaTeX3 \makeatletter shouldn't be necessary, neither for a
normal user nor for a documentclass designer.


Reinhard Kotucha                                       Phone: +49-511-751355
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Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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