> I'm trying to use pdflatex which is part of the teTeX 1.0 distribution.
> (downloaded from
> ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/1.0/distrib/...)
> I've already downloaded the newest version of pdftex.def (from
> ftp.dante.de).

Why? teTeX contains a pdftex.def which works fine with the included pdftex.

Anyway, I just have made a test with teTeX-1.0's pdftex and both
  CTAN:macros/latex/required/graphics/pdftex.def (2000/06/16 v0.03a)
  CTAN:macros/pdftex/graphics/pdftex.def (2001/05/25 v0.03g)

Both worked fine to include a jpg graphic file via

You bug report is incomplete since it lacks a minimal .tex source file to
reproduce your problem (Niko, you should know it better!).


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