Loathing and detesting anything to do with licences, I am not able to help you with your question, but it might help if you could clarify what "warning" you received about a GPL licence on some hyphen files, /why/ "the GPL licence is a real problem", /why/ you must "exclude all links to files with such a licence from my product", and what exactly you need to "look out for" when considering licences other than GPL.
/Philip Taylor
/Christopher Camacho wrote:


I am coding an app that uses Knuth-Liang algorithm for hyphenation.

I have already been in touch with Tug and was warned about GPL licence on some hyphen files.

Having worked for Samsung, I am aware the GPL licence is a real problem and I must exclude all links to files with such a licence from my product.

I know MIT licence is OK.

Is LPPL licence OK? I read terms and it looks OK, but I am not a lawyer.

Is GPL the only licence to watch out for?

Kind Regards,

Christopher Camacho

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