Neil Killeen wrote

>   is it true that pmx does not offer me the following ornaments
> 1) turn
> 2) inverted (or upper) mordent
> they don't seem to bne listed in the
> cheat sheet.  If not, may I request they go on to
> your to do list ?

Sad but true. I'll put 'em on the list. Meanwhile, there's a nice workaround
for any single additional ornament of your choosing. There's an undocumented
ornament activated by "os" in PMX and by the TeX command \mtr{#1} which is
defined in pmx.tex. It's two slanted parallel lines and is used in some 17th
C English works. Just redefine \mtr to be whatever you want, then "os" will
make it happen, e.g.


Substitute whatever you want for the 2nd argument of \zcharnote.

--Don Simons

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