Yes, I have a problem.

When looking inside MusiXTeX (and musixdoc.tex) I found that somebody
added 3 special fucntions, namely:

 % this command is made to terminate the slur #1 exactly on the note
pitch  #2
  {\if d\@sense\advance\transpose 2\raise
   \else \advance\transpose
\def\Islurubreak#1#2{{\advance\transpose -1\isluru{#1}{#2}}}
\def\Islurdbreak#1#2{{\advance\transpose 1\islurd{#1}{#2}}}

These are useful to connect two slurs at a precise point. This seems to
work but...
But problems arive when one wants to have a connection between the two
slurs (usually one up, and one down) and when one tries to adapt the
slope of one of them, using either \midslur or \curve. In fact the shape
adating macros cancel any embedding \transpose commands supposed to lift
up or down the end of that slur.

Therefore 2 qustion:
  a) Who has designed \Tslurbreak, \Islurubreak and \Islurdbreak
  b) has somebody encountered the same problem as me, and made a
reliable correctrion (making these commands compatible with \curve and
  c) since the dirty way \curve and \midslur are coded (by T. Egler...),
did somebody write cleaner procedures?

Thank you in advance.


  Daniel Taupin, 91400 ORSAY - France
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