Hum, If run the sample, all works fine, but if I follow the example and make my own using barsant.pmx (as the original, then I copied the source from the .tex as the 1 page example stated), I get a few errors:

$ latex book

! Undefined control sequence.
1.41 \fixdrop

... I get that error on 1.70, 1.113, 1.147, 1.193, 1.242, and 1.279.

I then

$ musixflx book

and then

$ latex book

... I recieve the same errors here as I did above.

But the worst thing is that when I view the resulting dvi, the line skip is way off, and everything is cramed, not like musixflx wasn't run, but just pretty tight. Infact, the high notes that extend over the staff get's printed on the staff above, and the ones lower that the staff, get's printed on the staff below.

I have included my .tex file and my .dvi file on my web site if anyone wants to look at it:


--On Tuesday, January 07, 2003 5:27 PM +0400 "Cornelius C. Noack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you want to do more than just the one-line examples cited in the
musixtex or PmX documentation, there's a bit adjusting by hand to be
done, as there's no really good automatic procedure as yet. But its
not hard; take a look at the 1-page instructions given by
Eric Petersen in the Icking archive:

the 1-page text under add-ons.

Perhaps some day I'll produce a script that does all this
automatically, but dont wait for it!
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