Hi all

when mtx-ing with more than 9 vocal voices, mtx produces under certain circumstances faulty pmx/tex code like

\mtxAssignLyrics10{...} which should be \mtxAssignLyrics{10}{...}

I suggest the following patch to lyrics.c (I don't know how that reads in the pascal version)

<       sprintf(l, "\\mtxAssignLyrics%s%s", instr, atag);
>       sprintf(l, "\\mtxAssignLyrics{%s}%s", instr, atag);

By the way, I had some problems compiling the sources under MacOSX. p2c seems not to work out of the box, neither g77. But for compiling the c-sources, p2c.h is needed and some modifications to the makefile have to be done (having some c-files as sources in the c-only version and as targets in the pas->p2c->c version induces a conflict).
As p2c is under GNU copyleft, couldn't that file be included in the mtxC distribution?


Bernhard Lang                           | Physical Chemistry Departement, 
Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou          | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse        | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657      | TEL +41(0)22 379-6535, FAX -6518
                                bernhard.lang at gmx.ch

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