Helge Kruse
> I read the fine manual and found \flageolett, but missed the pitch number
> and got TeX errors. With the fix it works as you describe.

Oh, sorry about that. I'm sure that's a correction I made in the glacially
advancing revised musixdoc.

> I found a workaround to avoid a lot of lines with \flagelett{?}}\ ?. In a
> file, read with \\input, I redefine a chareactor:
>   \def\xtr#1{\zcharnote{#1}{\xtrfont\char"05}}
> and can now write
>   c24 o+: d   | e c4 c | c b c2 o: /
> instead of inserting \flagelett{?}\ for each note. I have up to 14
> flageoletts in a line.
> I found the xtr#1 only be coincidence while searching for 'ornament' in
> pmx.tex. I unfortunately have to say I don't understand why there is only
> for the plus symbol a corresponding \def in pmx.tex. But the
> workaround just
> works as long as I don't need the + ornament.

That's very clever, especially since it lets you rely on PMX's machinery to
set the vertical position. I'm impressed. If you needed the "+" ornament
then you could alternatively redefine \mtr, an undocumented command in
pmx.tex which I defined for my Matteis editions to create a double diagonal
slash ornament. It is activated in PMX by "os".

Of course the reason that there's no particular command for the flageolett
is that it never rose to the level of interest where I felt it deserved one.
Both the plus and especially the double slash are likewise very obscure, but
I happened to have needed both for my own purposes.

--Don Simons

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