Andre Van Ryckeghem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> is this what you want?
> Andre
> ==============
> 1 1 4 4 0 6 0 0 0 2 20 .07
> b
> ./
> %use big flats:
> Ab
> \\\def\zq#1{\zqu{#1}}\
> bf43u zaf aflr zbf r2 /
> =================

I hope everyone noticed how clever this approach is. By redefining \zq, PMX 
still handles making the accidental big, as well as positioning the accidental. 
The approach also avoids having to enter any inline pitches, thereby avoiding 
the numbers-vs-letters question. Bravo, Andre. I would not have been so clever.

Of course if you use this in a larger piece you won't want the redefinition to 
be permanent, so maybe you'd have to do something like this:

\zqforzqu\ bf43u zaf aflr zbf r2 /

There's yet another subtlety in both of these examples: Why doesn't the 
redefinition affect the FIRST chord? I'll leave it as "an exercise for the 
reader," with a hint to look at the TeX file produced.

--Don Simons

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