2015-10-23 14:34 GMT+02:00 Bob Tennent <r...@cs.queensu.ca>:
> Can anyone suggest a suitable fix to the definition of
> \metron?  It's currently
> \def\metron#1#2{{\stemlength\f@ur\noteskip\t@n\p@ #1 1\ = #2}}
> Or better examples in the manual, currently
> \metron{\hup}{60}
> \metron{\smallnotesize\lqu}{ca.~72}
> \metron{\tinynotesize\lqu}{ca.~72}

Suggestion: basically follow André's solution without \smallnotesize
and leave the examples as they are.

\def\metron#1#2{{\lyricsoff\stemlength\f@ur\noteskip\t@n\p@ #1 1\ =

If musixlyr is loaded, its \lyricson and \lyricsoff will be used. If
not, the definition
reduces to the present \metron.

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