I have an example  where the lower instrument has 2 staves and the upper 1.
Then, on system 3 the lower instrument must have 1 staff and the upper 2 staves. I must work with '\sepbarrules' because the left accolade and the barlines must correspond.
I can manage the accolades but the end bar of the 2nd system is wrong.

Can someone help me?


(i searched the email archive to find the solution for the new movement error, but i did not found it)

    3    -2 2 1   4 4 4 4  0 0
   1 3 20  .04

\\centerline{II. ARIA}\
d4- d+ d d-  e e d d /
a4 zcs zd zfs a- zcsi zd zfsi a- zcsi zd zfsi a- zcsi zd zfsi
e zb zg e+ zb zg g zd g zd /
a4l zcs zd zfs a-l zcsi zd zfsi a-l zcsi zd zfsi a-l zcsi zd zfsi
e4+ zb zg e+ zb zg e zb zg e+ zb zg  //
rbp rb2 r4  r8  e84 tl /
rp D"Senza ped." rp rp /
b4+ zg zcs- b+ zg zcs- d+ zfs- zcsc d+ zfsi- zcsi
d+ zfs- zb- d+ zfsi- zb- a+ zfsc zcs+ ze a- zfsi zcsi+ ze
g- zbf zd zfn g- zbfi zd zf  e- zgs zbn zd e- zgsi zb zd /
rbp rbp rbp //
e8 D"\ppff Solo vibr."+20-2 t fs g4x3 a b e8 c4s b8
c4s g2s f8s gs  a d4 c8sa b fs g4x3 a b /
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