> Looks like Eitan defined some lgr-related aliases for libertine, e.g.,
> tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/libertine/fxlri-xl-lgr.htf
> contains the two lines:
> ---
> .fxlr-xl-lgr
> htfcss: fxlri-xl-lgrs font-style:italic;
> ---
> So maybe other fonts can point to .fxlr-xl-lgr?
> Also, FWIW, the gfs fonts (gfsdidot, gfsbodoni, etc.) support LGR, also
> cbfonts.  They don't have htf files, but maybe htfgen could actually
> work.  I know a couple of good people who can answer Greek-specific
> questions (but know nothing in particular about tex4ht), if they can help.

I tried gfsbodoni and tex4ht reported some htf files mismatch, but the
result seemed OK. luckily, the fonts reported used encoding and it is
present in TL, so it is easy to use htfgen to create a .htf file. I
realized just now, that instead of creating full .htf file for each
font, it is enough to create them only for enc files and in font htfs
just link to them, together with css information.


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