Since I compile both PDFs and epub documents from the same source files, I 
noticed something curious:

When creating documents with indices with imakeidx and then generating a table 
of contents with \tableofcontents , the indices show in the Table of Contents 
in the PDF document - but not in the epub document.

Here is an example of what I am talking about: "PDFTest.tex" is the 
PDF-specific code, "EPUBTest.tex" is the epub-specific code, and "Test.tex" is 
the main text of the document they both use.

Now, this isn't a _problem_ as such - the solution (manually adding table of 
context entries only to the epub version) was so simple that even I could think 
of it:

But I still feel like I should mention this divergence in case it was 


- Jürgen

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