Follow-up Comment #2, bug #475 (project tex4ht):

Hello Diwakar,

I don't get any error with your file. Do you use up-to date TeX Live? I've
fixed some Polyglossia issues in May (it was exactly the error you linked to
in your question). 

You don't need to require tex4ht and tex4ebook packages in your document, they
are loaded automatically by TeX4ebook command. You would need to use tex4ebook
package only if you wanted to use the \coverimage command in your document.
You can put all tex4ht configurations to a configuration file and pass it to
TeX4ebook using the -c option. For example, the cover image can be declared
using \CoverMetadata{imagename.png} in the .cfg file.

The configuration file may look like this (change the values according to your


Best regards,


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