On 8/21/2020 3:40 AM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:

After changing the command and adding "mathml", now some
of my latex files no longer compile.

Please see this MWE


$n^\text{th}$ is wrong, unsupported syntax. It works (sometimes) but only by
chance. The correct latex input if you have more than one token in a
superscript or subscript is to add additional braces:


With them your example compiles.

I see. But I did not not write this latex. It seems to work OK in mathjax.

This is how the latex came from a Mathematica newsletter which is emailed each

Which I tried to compile. The original message itself which had this latex in 
it this


Viewing the page source, it shows

<title>list manipulation - Finding $n^\text{th}$ largest/smallest element - 
Mathematica Stack Exchange</title>

It is the title of the above message.

This is how the latex came in email to me from stackexchange.

But I corrected it now. It used to  compile OK before using mathml.


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