On 5/23/2022 7:20 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
Hi Nasser,

I am sorry, but I was wrong.  I only checked one external document. But when
I added a second one, I found it does not work. Links to the first one are lost.

I cannot reproduce this problem. Multiple files work for me. Maybe
look if you don't have some unnecessary .4ht files in the directory
with your files. Updated TeX Live should work fine.

I've just fixed one minor issue. When I use Xr-hyper and the \hyperref
command, LaTeX issues warning about missing \fi. I am not sure where
it starts, but extra \fi in \XRrEfLiNK seems to remove this warning.

Best regards,

Hello Michal;

Good job. I just tried it again and now xr-hyper is working ! I did
fresh update of TL. It must be something changed in sources since then.

I just put a test zip file for you with 4 sub folders now to verify this.
All links are now correct.


The steps to show this are the following: After extracting the zip file
and cd to the folder created, then do

cd CHAPTERS/chapter_1
make4ht  -ulm default  -a debug ch1.tex 'mathjax,htm,4,cut-fullname'

cd ../chapter_2
make4ht  -ulm default  -a debug ch2.tex 'mathjax,htm,4,cut-fullname'

cd ../chapter_3
make4ht  -ulm default  -a debug ch3.tex 'mathjax,htm,4,cut-fullname'

cd ../chapter_4
make4ht  -ulm default  -a debug ch4.tex 'mathjax,htm,4,cut-fullname'

cd ../..
make4ht  -ulm default  -a debug main.tex 'mathjax,htm,cut-fullname'

Now opened the main.htm file and all links send me to correct location
in the separate chapters documents.

But I see these messages in the main.log file (which is in the zip file)

(./CHAPTERS/chapter_3/ch3.xref) (./CHAPTERS/chapter_4/ch4.xref) [1] (./main.aux
(\end occurred when \ifx on line 18 was incomplete)
(\end occurred when \if on line 16 was incomplete)
(\end occurred when \if on line 15 was incomplete)
(\end occurred when \if on line 13 was incomplete)
(\end occurred when \if on line 11 was incomplete)
 435 words of node memory still in use:

But they seem to have no effect I see now on the final result. May be this is
the problem you already fixed in the official source which you mentioned above,
so next time I update TL may be these will be gone.

So now I will remove all my hand coded raw HTML links from my code and
use xr-hyper package again to get the links to work and will try
it on my main large build. It will take about 12 hrs to finish compiling.


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