Per post by Michal at

For document classes with \chapter command:

1 - split at \part
2 - split at \chapter
3 - split at \section
4 - split at \subsection
5 - split at \subsubsection
6 - split at \paragraph

You stopped trying numbers too early. The numbers seem to work like this:

For document classes with \chapter command:

1 - split at \part
2 - split at \chapter
3 - split at \section
4 - split at \subsection
5 - split at \subsubsection
6 - split at \paragraph
For document classes without \chapter (like article):

1 - split at \part
2 - split at \section
3 - split at \subsection
5 - split at \subsubsection
6 - split at \paragraph

My question is: Why does in article, it skips split level 4, and
goes from 3 to 5? I find this confusing. May be there is reason
internally when tex4ht does this?

I'd like to suggest for some future version that this
option should be redone. May be add new option calling it
"split_at" so current method stays backward compatible.

The new option will have the form


where name can be "part" or "chapter" or "section" or "subsection"
and so on.

So one can now do

    make4ht   foo.tex 'html,mathjax,split_at="section"'

If string does not work for value, it can just name, as in

    make4ht   foo.tex 'html,mathjax,split_at=section'

Not only is this much more clear than

    make4ht   foo.tex 'html,mathjax,3'

But with the new option, one do not have to worry changing the command
to get the numbers right, if they change from article to

It is also much more clear looking at the command, where the split
will happen, since it is a name and not a magic number.

Thank you,

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