Hi Nasser,

> make4ht ...  index.tex
> make4ht make4ht -m clean -a info index.tex
> This will delete, not on the temporary files (index.log, index.idv, etc...)
> but will also delete the html I just build !
> Ofcourse, I could delete these files myself later, since I know
> all the extensions of all these files.

The clean mode deletes all output files, including temporary and
converted HTML files. This is stated in the documentation. I don't
remember why it was set up this way, but it was likely based on a user
request. However, files that you place in the output directory using
the -d option are not deleted by the clean mode. The development
version of make4ht also includes a new option, --build-dir, which
moves all auxiliary files to a temporary directory that can be
deleted. This may be a better solution than the clean mode.

Best regards,

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