This article claims that the bottom of Veryovkina Cave is the closest point (that humans have been) to the center of the Earth, ignoring arguments of entrance altitude and entrance latitude (the Poles are closer to the Earth's center than the Equator by fourteen miles).  --Lee

The Veryovkina (or Verëvkina) Cave <>

the closest point to the center of the Earth.

One of Jules Verne's most anxious dreams, as published in his 1864 novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth", was to enter the interior of the Earth. Although the Veryovkina Cave will not lead us to such depths, it does allow us to reach the closest known to the center of the planet. The Veryovkina Cave, approximately 2212 meters deep, is the deepest cave in the world. It is located on the pass between the Krepost and Zont Mountains in the Abkhazia region, a self-declared independent state that is officially considered part of Georgia.

Photo: National Geographic

In 1968 the cave was discovered by some speleologists from the city of Krasnoyarsk, who managed to reach a depth of 115 meters. Already in 1986 a new group from Moscow and led by Oleg Parfenov managed to reach the remarkable depth of 440 meters. Since 2015 a series of new raids by the Perovo-Speleo group has determined that the cave was deeper reaching new and better brands repeatedly until it hit the record of 2212 meters in March 2018 and recording an underground tunnel system of over 6000 meters.

Member of the Perovo-Speleo team passing the flooded passage at the depth -1400m, in 2018 - Source: wiki
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