Dear Southwestern Cavers (and other interested persons). Sunday night, May 18, 
the Southwestern Region filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with 
the Bureau of Land Management. This action is to compel release of data in 
connection with the "temporary" two year cave closure which expired in January 
2013, but is still used as a basis to deny access without agency authority to 
do so. The FOIA became necessary as the BLM has rebuffed or ignored all prior 
caver requests for information on this topic but does not hesitate to instantly 
deny permit requests with unsubstantiated explanations of need due to WNS. Such 
action by the BLM is no longer acceptable. The information requested is 
outlined below.

Jim Evatt
Vice Chair
Southwestern Region

May 18, 2014

RE: Freedom of Information Request

The Southwestern Region (SWR) of the National Speleological Society (NSS) makes 
a request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552, et. 
seq., for the following documents:

All information and documents concerning the BLM decision to close caves 
relative to the threat of White-nose Syndrome (WNS) in the Roswell and Carlsbad 
Field offices, but also including decisions to close caves in other Field 
Office areas.

In particular, the SWR requests information that includes, but is not limited 

1. All scientific data supporting the decision to close caves, including the 
specific studies and results indicating a direct and proximate threat to New 
Mexico cave resources.
2. A listing of specialists consulted, their credentials and expertise in 
determining a verifiable (not speculative) WNS threat to New Mexico caves was 
3. Data supporting the existence of a specific threat to each cave closed by 
the Closure Order of January 25, 2011.
4. Analysis and decision-making data used to ensure the closure order was in 
full compliance with the very specific requirements of 43 CFR 8364.1 for 
temporary closures, and how the closure order is in conformance with the 
subsequent Instruction Memorandum 2013-035 which clarified those requirements 
and processes.
5. Data used and legal justification for continued denial of access to caves 
upon expiration of the closure order.
6. Internal memoranda and other written communications discussing any and all 
factors and actions regarding the recent removal, by the US Geological Survey 
(USGS), of Oklahoma as a state where WNS in bats has been suspected or 
confirmed, and the parallel removal by the USGS of Cave Myotis (Myotis velifer) 
from the list of bat species that have tested positive for the fungus 
(Pseudogymnoascus destructans). This is particularly important since the BLM NM 
cave closure scheme clearly was conveniently predicated entirely upon the 
errant Oklahoma identification.
7. All correspondence from the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) relevant 
to the WNS closure process, including all documents from CBD hinting at, or 
threatening, lawsuit if cave closures were not enacted.
8. Internal memoranda and other communications discussing any and all factors 
and actions regarding a BLM response to the CBD relative to WNS.
9. All communications from BLM to the CBD regarding the agency's position and 
actions concerning WNS.
10. Empirical scientific data demonstrating as factual the existence of a human 
vector in field conditions.
11. Data demonstrating how the decontamination process is tested, verified and 
monitored in the field as universal, compliant, and efficacious, or even 
necessary, for each cave closed.
12. Number of permits issued to each cave during the closure period, the nature 
of each permit (management, science, recreation, etc.), to whom and the number 
of persons on each permit.
13. Number of permits issued to each cave since expiration of the closure 
period, the nature of each permit (management, science, recreation, etc.), to 
whom and the number of persons on each permit.
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