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> On May 24, 2014, at 2:05 AM, David <> wrote:
> Quite a few of you remember what was going on at this time on
> the Texas caving scene in May of 1994.    I was just an observer,
> although I did go on one or 2 road-trips to Bracketville, from Houston.
> 2 cavers were very hard at work finishing up one of the best books about
> Texas caves, and lots of cavers were assisting them.
> Another caver was planning an incredible show recreating the battle
> of the Alamo.
> Swamp coolers were being installed by volunteer cavers that had travelled
> from all over the state to one of the non-air-conditioned buildings at
> Fort Clark
> and caver-electricians were having to gerry-rig the whole set up.
> Cavers were visiting caves in and around Bracketville to plan for convention
> trips.
> The 1994 NSS Convention, was a major event in my life.   It was my
> first introduction
> to the NSS.     Prior to that, I was
> personally spending most of my spare time south of the border.    And
> after that,
> I made an effort to attend future conventions, and thus had less
> resources available
> to go on trips south of the border.
> On a related note,
> "It was not just a different time.  It was a different world."
> All of that hard work was done without Cavetex, texting, and
> smartphones, and Facebook, etc. Any cavers that had a computer were
> using Windows 3.1 and saving their work to a floppy disk, and not on a
> laptop.  I bet typewriters were still being used by some.   Gas only
> cost about $ 1.10.   On the world newsfront, Monica Lewinsky had not
> yet met Bill Clinton, and the world ( not me ) was still anxiously
> awaiting news updates over the Clinton scandals of Whitewater and
> Paula Jones.    Most of us were spending less than 10 minutes a day on
> the internet, if any at all.    Most cavers still had
> cassette-tape-decks in their cars.  Quite a few of our caving friends
> at the 1994 convention are no longer with us.   I am certain none of
> us could have predicted the tragedies that happened just a few years
> after the convention.    Here is a toast to them.
> David Locklear
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