This is almost vaguely caving related if you consider that the Mars
rover Curiosity, is
ridgewalking over virgin rocky terrain.

The rover has been on the planet 446 days now.   I do not believe it
is a kilometer
from the landing site, but is pretty close to passing that in the next
few drives.   It
has had to do a whole lot of zig-zagging to get to the current waypoint.

I think it is safe to say that a human would have covered far more
terrain in 446
days, especially if he was on a dirt-bike, or even a mountain-bike.
Even better
a small animal wearing a pressurized suit and a helmet cam.

Any future caver on Mars will likely find plenty of building material
to make a nice
stone house.    In my opinion, the first astronaut needs to be a good
so he can set up the hut for future explorers.

Supposedly, the rover will be camped out at this rock for the next few days:

Click on that photo to enlarge it.

Check out those odd circles in the rocks to the left.

It seems obvious to me that an erosional process took place here that took
millions of years, and is most likely common throughout the universe.
   But there are
millions of people that are convinced these rocks magically formed in
a few seconds about
328,500 days ago in an event they refer to as Day 4.     It would seem
such an act
that amazing would be celebrated in some festival, but they don't see
it that way, or
can even agree on exactly how many days ago it was.   They feel their omnipotent
creator did this on a whim, and interpret it as, backed by solid
science.   I am not saying
that he or she did not do it, but only that it took millions of years,
for the rocks to erode,
and another billion years for the Martian surface to solidify, and
another 20 billions years for the cosmic elements to form a spherical
shape, and another 100 zillion years for the cosmic
elements to bounce around our galaxy, and that they will do this all
again in another
cosmic event billions of years from now, and that that process will go
on for an infinite
number of cosmic events, and that we are no where near the beginning
of that space-time
equation, and certainly not 328,500 days into it.

On a related note,

the current news story about the Martian meteorite found in the
Sahara Desert lacks credibility.      I do not believe
it could have escaped the gravitational pull of the planet in the manner which
they are proposing.     The Locklear Theory is that it came off of
Deimos, and that
explains the shape of Deimos.

David Locklear
overly-opinionated guy, but less grumpy now that I am single

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